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onomonopia independent proj.



Onomonopia Independent project

Onomonopia Independent project


IMG_7000 IMG_7005 IMG_7006 IMG_7009 IMG_7014 IMG_7017 IMG_7022 IMG_7035 IMG_7036 IMG_7037 IMG_7053 IMG_7056 IMG_9486 IMG_9487 IMG_9488 IMG_9489 IMG_9490 IMG_9491 IMG_9493 IMG_9494 IMG_9495 IMG_9496 IMG_9497 IMG_9498 IMG_9499 IMG_9500 IMG_9501 IMG_9502

toy packaging

1. colors,the names of the ponies, the sparkles****

2. Color, font!!!

3.I wanted legos. the boxes were all the same. They all had pictures of the toy on the front.

Trademark Colors


2. FedEx

3. Office max


5. The home-depot

6. T-Mobile

7. Target


Composition basics

The composition in this photo is very great in my opinion. The balance throughout this photo is nice the horizon lines and then the bridge splits the picture into three parts. The colors in this picture are nice they don’t dramatically change and differ. The leading lines are interesting because at the end they curve and it looks good.  

canon 60D

The cheapest canon60D i could find was $899.99

on canon it was $900.00


book cover independant proj.

book cover independant proj.


Heart independant proj.

Heart independant proj.


Independent project origami cow

Independent project origami cow


independant project

independant project

Photography thingy….

Photography is the scientific way to capture and keep memories for ever!!!!!! With a camera you can take a picture of anything and keep the picture forever.


In the right one the aperature is bigger so it lets more light in. In the left one the aperature is smaller so it lets less light throught.


color flower independent project

rainbow flower

Shutter Speed

The shutter speed in the first picture would have to be fast or else the water would fall before the picture was taken.

The shutter speed in the second one would have to be adjusted slow so that the camera could take in everything for a longer period of time and have the picture turn out how it did.


IMG_6374 IMG_6373 IMG_6372IMG_6356 IMG_6357 IMG_6358 IMG_6359 IMG_6360


The two gentlemen of verona

The two gentlemen of verona

Principles and Elements of Design

The balance would be that the picture is even and has the right proportions on both sides. Proportion would be that everything has about the same amount on both sides. Rhythm the picture has to go together and have a sequence. Emphasis shows whats going on in the picture. Unity is that everything go together and makes sense.


Quick select

Quick select




Logo Critique

They said the logo was OK but the colors where a little too dramatic . The picture as a little of balance and there should be more color on the fish.






Friday favorite 12

This past week we have been using both Photoshop and illustrator and I think its good to go back and use different things so we don’t forget things and just to see how they work. I prefer Photoshop for most things other than trying to create like a card or logo or something. My favorite out of the two is Photoshop it seems to be easier and just work better the tools are just better than the ones in Illustrator.